
Phase 1

Begin by laying out the entire lighting framework on the ground. If your set comes with a perimeter frame, start with that. Otherwise, proceed to Phase 3.

Join the extended light tubes using straight and corner connectors to form the perimeter. Ensure each tube is firmly and fully seated within the connectors.

Phase 2

At the final edge of the perimeter, integrate a T-shaped connector. This will be the point to attach the power cable.

Phase 3

Now, create the hexagonal patterns. Combine the light tubes using the angled and Y-shaped connectors to achieve your preferred design.

Phase 4

Position the open-ended Y connectors on the outer sides of the hexagons. These will be the points for power cable connections. Depending on the size and number of tubes, you'll need one cable for every 30 tubes. Typically, our Hexagon Kits require two cables, connected diagonally.

Phase 5

Link the cables to a 100-240V power source and conduct a test. Note: Red signifies Live, Blue is Neutral, and Yellow represents Earth Ground. If you're uncertain about the power connections, it's best to consult an electrician.

Phase 6

Lift and secure the structure to the ceiling, either as a complete unit or in segments. You can use screws through the connector openings (recommended), suspension wires, or cable ties. Once affixed to the ceiling, connect to the power source.

Phase 7

Put the switch on and enjoy.